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You have a bad day.

You have an epiphany. A brag. A self-drag. Something you want so desperately to reach a working pair of ears. Or eyes. Right now, your best friend can count themself lucky (or unlucky) to be around you. Maybe your friendship points increase after the ordeal. Maybe not. I can’t be bothered to know.

Whoever assembled me thought it was smart to include an innate desire to share experiences, thoughts, judgments, and other attention-bait that I would oh-so-hopelessly hold sacred.

That best friend who’s always there to soak up your thoughts? We’re all supposed to, like, have one, or something, right?

I know I do. They’re reading this blog post right now. But get this.

I’m not responsible for my relationship with them.

They can say and think whatever they want about anything I throw out. It’s not like they’ll ever lose their best friend status or anything. I can talk, yell, lecture, posture, virtue-signal, whatever – I’m still keeping my best friend status. It’s a win-win. Since, like, you know. A best friend becomes a best friend by doing one simple trick: Listening.

Hey there, Bestie. That’s basically the gist of this blog. Not much else to know here, aside from how I’ll mostly be posting about weeb stuff and everyday ramblings that don’t fit within the Twitter character limit. Please, make yourself at home.